• marc
  • marc
  • marc
  • marc
  • marc
  • marc
  • marc
  • marc
  • marc

Freelance UX & UI designer focussing on designing Framer templates, Figma design systems, dashboards & websites.

Freelance UX & UI designer focussing on designing Framer templates, Figma design systems, dashboards & websites.

Freelance UX & UI designer focussing on designing Framer templates, Figma design systems, dashboards & websites.


Websites, webshops and landingspages.

Mockup Dashboard
Mockup Dashboard

Design Systems

Figma Design Systems that will make your dev team drool.


Framer Template - Display

With this Framer template, you can showcase your design, photography, writing, or any other creative project that you've been working on in a sleek and professional way.

  • “Marc is a enthusiastic and creative web designer with an eye for creating detailed, compelling and attractive websites that excel in beauty and simplicity because of his personal vision & experience.”

    Jens Doeksen

    Jens Doeksen

    Founder at CertScanner

  • “It is pleasant to work with Marc. He immerses himself in the assignment and thinks about solutions. As a result, we have been able to successfully develop and improve our online propositions for both national and international customers.”

    Jarno Schimmelpennink

    Lead Product Development CFP

  • “Delivers super quality and always has a well-informed opinion about UI/UX. When we work with Marc, we are always sure that at the end there will be a result that we could not have imagined ourselves.”

    Alex van der Schans

    Alex van der Schans

    Owner at Plug&Pay BV

  • “Marc is a quick thinker and combines his creativity with listening carefully to the customer. He has a modern & clean style.”

    Miente Bakker

    Miente Bakker

    CEO Team Peak

  • “Marc is a enthusiastic and creative web designer with an eye for creating detailed, compelling and attractive websites that excel in beauty and simplicity because of his personal vision & experience.”

    Jens Doeksen

    Jens Doeksen

    Founder at CertScanner

  • “It is pleasant to work with Marc. He immerses himself in the assignment and thinks about solutions. As a result, we have been able to successfully develop and improve our online propositions for both national and international customers.”

    Jarno Schimmelpennink

    Lead Product Development CFP

  • “Delivers super quality and always has a well-informed opinion about UI/UX. When we work with Marc, we are always sure that at the end there will be a result that we could not have imagined ourselves.”

    Alex van der Schans

    Alex van der Schans

    Owner at Plug&Pay BV

  • “Marc is a quick thinker and combines his creativity with listening carefully to the customer. He has a modern & clean style.”

    Miente Bakker

    Miente Bakker

    CEO Team Peak

I'm still, I'm still

Marc from the blog

Marc from the blog

Marc from the blog